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Day 25 (Amherst, again) - Season 1

Published by Jon Terzenbach
Feb 18th 2011, 6:21pm
Wings @ hangar Chez Karlin Port and starboard

Today we met up with a good friend of mine from way back when, Karl. Karl is no stranger to the road himself, having driven from here to Alaska and everywhere in between over the last few years. In the time since we had last seen each other he got married and adopted two kids. “I'm twenty five and my oldest is eleven,” he notes with a grin. In that same course of time I had custody of a house plant of unknown type but I think it died.

We hiked up to Mt. Tom in the Holyoke range, although I should say we hiked in the vicinity of Mt. Tom. While there were plenty of trails in the park, there was no definite route to the top. We think we took one that essentially circled the parking lot, but what a pleasant circle it was. In hindsight we could have driven to the top but I'm sure Henry David Thoreau would be spinning in his grave were we to be so lazy.

We finally went to the Hangar, another Amherst hotspot for great wings. There were a great many evenings that were topped off with to-go order of wings while I was a student at UMass. It's likely my chicken money put someone else through school, and believing that scenario allows me to ingest a pound of sauce-smothered chicken without guilt. My old roommate Ryan was a short drive away from the school he is teaching at and drove up after class to join us. So there we all were again. Having all of us together in a familiar setting, it was if nothing had changed—except now Ryan was teaching Karl's kids.


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